Welcome to the first virtual CSNDSP

This year, CSNDSP 2020 had to adopt virtual means due to the COVID-19 outbreak. We have received more than 250 high quality papers, out of which a total of 172 papers was selected.
The technical program consists of 37 topical sessions, operated asynchronously. Participants can access the session contents, browse the paper, play the video presentations and engage into technical discussion using a built.in messaging system. The program includes also 5 keynote speeches delivered by international recognized researchers in fields related to CSNDSP.

This year, the CSNDSP 2020 program also offers a set of 9 forums, designed as panel discussion online live sessions, which we hope will stimulate participation and discussion in this virtual regime.
We hope you enjoy the program for the next three days.

If you have any question regarding this year conference, check our FAQ or contact the organization committee.